Introducing the Community Responders project

The Community Responder project, funded by the Fay Fuller Foundation, set out to find out what people in the South Australian community want and need when it comes to mental health distress or crisis.

How Community Responders began

In 2019, a group of passionate young people with lived experience of mental health started the Community Responders project with the aim to look at new ways to support mental health in South Australia. After spending several months gathering insights from their communities, they then created a series of valuable toolkits.

 They collectively designed the resources we now want to share and road test with the broader community. Resources about how to work with the community to design responses to mental health.

Video: Young People’s Power - Reimagining mental health solutions
Community Responders: Reimagining mental health solutions

People power is an under-utilised and often hidden super power. There is so much to learn about our potential to help ourselves and others.

A critical part of this project (and many other TACSI projects) is the ability to have conversations about difficult topics like mental health, the end of life, homelessness, suicide, domestic violence, systemic racism, injustice, loss, grief and power.

We are increasingly aware of the need to address power imbalances inherent in our work. We are conscious of creating spaces for reflection, innovation and learning that are both safe and brave.

We often discuss how to create these spaces. Spaces that allow for vulnerability, that do not skirt around big topics and are full of compassion.

We are aware of the responsibility we hold for doing this, which includes prioritising our ongoing education around privilege, race and inequity and reflecting what we bring to these conversations.

How to use the toolkits

These toolkits have been put together to support people to consider and act upon how you may be able to get involved in supporting people and the community when it comes to mental health crises.

At the core they are simply ideas and suggestions to inspire how we can all be a part of the solution. You may just read them, or you may wish to share them or print them out and work through them together with others – the choice is yours.

In sharing these tool kits, we are asking:

  • How might we experiment with different ways to show up as human?

  • How might we deepen our connection with each other, our services and the system we are all a part of?

  • What works and what doesn’t?

Community Responders toolkits

Cover of the Community Responders report

Overview report

Our young people spoke with over 80 people with lived experience of mental ill health, as well as community groups, mental health professionals and decision makers. The Community Responders report sets out the insights they gathered.

Our commitment to First Nations First

This project did not draw from Aboriginal content as we identified a number of significant limitations and constraints due to our broad focus, team make-up and dominant approaches: namely we were too white, too western and could not commit to the time needed and necessary to be in community.

What is important to us, is that this project was informed by Aboriginal knowledge responsibly and with permission when it comes to our learning process. We are lucky that we get to connect with Aunty Vickey as a sounding board and to offer guidance at key stages of all our work.

It is also clear that there is so much we can learn from Aboriginal perspectives and pedagogies if we want to be successful in, with and for community building, and we will continue to seek out relationships, learning opportunities and ways of applying new ways of seeing, being and doing by, through and for improving mental health outcomes for South Australians.

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Level 1, 279 Flinders St
Adelaide SA 5000

1/145 Redfern Street

Redfern NSW 2016

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© 2025 TACSI
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and Owners of the lands in which we work and live on across Australia. We pay our respects to Elders of the past, present and emerging. We are committed to collaboration that furthers self-determination and creates a better future for all. Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
At TACSI, diversity and inclusion is more than a statement; equality and accessibility are guiding principles embedded in everything we do. We strongly believe that it’s the collective sum of all our communities differences, life experiences, and knowledge that enables both ourselves and our partners to come together to tackle complex social issues. That’s why we’re committed to having a diverse team made up of people with diverse skills from all backgrounds, including First Nations peoples, LGBTIQ+, mature-age people, and people with visible and non-visible disabilities, regardless of sex, sexuality or gender identity.