When you're not at work, what do you get up to?
I'm usually trying my best at yoga or the gym, but if I'm not doing that I'm definitely daydreaming.
What change would you like to see in the world, and why?
A return to the role of humans as stewards of the natural world, which was our role for far longer than whatever it's been in recent history.
What are you reading, watching or listening to at the moment?
I’m reading Jazz by the one and only Toni Morrison, and listening to a playlist of the soundtrack from Nigella Lawson's TV shows so that I can try to be even half as glamorous as she is while cooking.
What's a book, film or resource that you would recommend to someone interested in social impact?
Heroin(e), a documentary about three women playing distinct community roles in a town struggling with an opioid epidemic. It's a story about innovative and selfless service within a rigid and cruel system.