When you're not at work, what do you get up to?
You'll find me in the great outdoors – exploring, having adventures, and simply being with nature. Most often I'm riding my bike in the hills or walking my dog at the beach.
What change would you like to see in the world, and why?
I'd like to see more understanding and recognition of power, and how we can be more inclusive in hearing the voices of those traditionally marginalised from conversations and decisions – especially in decisions that affect them. This still doesn't happen enough; or in some contexts, at all.
What was your previous experience working in social impact before TACSI?
My background is in applied social research, working with people and communities to understand their experiences and supporting organisations and practitioners in more inclusive and equitable ways of measuring and understanding impact.
Who inspires you, and why?
It's got to be Brene Brown! She's an applied social researcher after all! And she keeps it real – calling herself out as much as calling others out – she walks the talk!
Looking back at your career, what’s been the highlight?
My PhD research worked with young women at risk of sexual exploitation. They taught me not only about empowerment and agency (we went on to develop into a model to apply with other groups and communities), but they also taught me how to really conduct research with people.
What are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment?
Le Tour de France – obviously!