When you're not at work, what do you get up to?
I'm usually at Uni studying a degree in Communications, Creativity and Innovation, at a yoga or spin class, picking through second hand clothes in an op-shop or hunting down the best cup of chai in Sydney with friends after a recent trip to India (open to recommendations!).
What were you doing before working at TACSI?
Before TACSI I worked as a pharmacy assistant. I initially thought the two roles had nothing to do with each other, but I learnt so much about the value of listening to people that informs how I try to approach my work at TACSI. I also have a pretty comprehensive medicine drawer!
What are you reading, watching or listening to at the moment?
Mad Men! I'm obsessed. Don Draper is the most compelling character I've seen on TV ever.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you 'grew up'?
I wanted to open a home for "ugly" unwanted cats (despite being terribly allergic). Luckily I've got many years ahead of me to realise this dream…
What's a book, film or resource that you would recommend to someone interested in social impact?
I recently watched the documentary Human Flow. It's an incredibly moving and poignant example of storytelling that captures scale and complexity of human displacement and migration.
What's something on your bucket list?
I've recently developed a 'creativity bucket list' that I'm working through. I allocate one evening of each week to try something new! So far I've had a guitar lesson from a friend, started to learn how to felt, and have attempted to hand make paper.