Working on Kaurna and Peramangk Lands
Oliver considers his greatest talent to be talking to just about anyone. He taps into this superpower in his role as Our Town Strategic Lead, where he unites both people and expertise for innovative solutions around insidious problems.
Someone who looks at things differently, Oliver hopes to challenge how systems operate through his work at TACSI, and make sure systems and processes serve people, rather than people serving systems.
Before TACSI, Oliver worked as Program Director at Community Centres South Australia on a statewide initiative responding to loneliness in communities. This role saw Oliver working with the Department of Innovation and Skills to deliver adult community education across the state.
He designed and delivered a suite of online community development modules for volunteers and community centre employees, and embedded social work placements into community centres across SA.
Oliver has also worked across programs funded by Home and Community Care, the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Department of Human Services, and served on the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association board.
His career highlights happened back in the United Kingdom, where he worked in the museums and heritage sector for eight years. In that time, Oliver had the chance to meet Vivienne Westwood when he hosted her world tour exhibition, held a Picasso and also looked after two mummies.
When he’s not at work, you can find Oliver on trail runs, camping out of range with his family on red dirt, at Crossfit or brewing beer – he’s even won a few country fair competitions!
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in War Studies